


Useful Tips to Start Your Own Business

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Mercadeo Magazine Julio 2024

Starting a business can be very stressful, and practically demands all your time and attention. On the other hand, it can also be a great personal and professional experience. Today, we will give you some tips to help you in your entrepreneurial adventure.


Start your own business


  1. Discover your skills. Not everyone has what it takes to start a business; that doesn’t mean your idea isn’t brilliant, just that you may not have some vital personality traits to launch your company. Before investing time or resources, evaluate yourself and see if you have the typical entrepreneurial skills.
  2. Develop an idea. Don’t start a business just because something is in style or because you think marketing it will make you money. Develop a business concept that you are passionate about that is related to something you have some experience with. Then think of a product or service that you think will improve people’s lives.
  3. Test your credibility. Once you have an idea, find out how you can make it a reality. Is the product something people want or need? Can you make a profit selling it? Does it work?
  4. Write a business plan. A solid business plan will guide you forward. You’ll also need it to present your idea to potential investors. It should include a mission statement, an executive summary, a company overview, samples of the service or product, a description of your target market, financial projections, and the cost of operations.
  5. Identify your market. Even if you have detected some interest in your business, you need to do more homework. Evaluate the market so you can sell to the people who are sure to make the purchase. Make a competitive assessment.
  6. Determine the costs. Do additional research and know the standard costs within the industry. This will not only help you run the business more efficiently, it will also be valuable information for investors.
  7. Establish a budget. Once you determine how much money you will have to work with, find out how much you need to develop your product or service and create a marketing plan.
  8. Find the right investors. You’ll need some kind of funding when you get started, whether it’s from savings, credit cards, loans, venture capitalists or donations. Find an investor who shares your passion, someone you think you can work with.
  9. Listen to investors. Like it or not, they will have an opinion when it comes to your business. Listen to their advice and suggestions, but that doesn’t mean you have to do everything they say.
  10. Have a great support system. You will be investing a lot of time and resources in your new business venture; make sure your family agrees, they should be aware that this process will challenge them financially and emotionally.


Don’t be afraid to start


It is very important that you investigate and learn as much as you can about the business you want to undertake, starting by defining its market, in other words, who the potential customers are and why they would buy the products or services from you instead of from the competition. Also, investigate all the procedures, licenses, and requirements to establish your company, sometimes a poor investigation can cause you big economic problems.


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