


Telework could double in 2021

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Mercadeo Magazine Julio 2024

Telework has been the main force that has allowed companies to keep in the market. However, the vision of this type of job is not new, from some years ago big companies have been discussing its benefits, for them and their employees. 2021 is offering a secure position for all employees that prefer telework, keep reading to find out more!

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Telework will grow more in 2021

We can forget that the pandemic is still there, and the precautions are keeping us healthy. Many people are no longer with us because of COVID-19, and it has been a tough year. But as with everything in the world, we are adapting to this new normalcy, creating new methods and exploiting some already established like telework. 

2021 is the year to give the final step and put Telework as the main job method, and allow people to choose where they want to work. However, it needs some improvements and more organization, but as Enterprise Technology Research (ETR) is showing in a survey that was made during September to 1200 Chief Information Officers (CIOs) of different industries around the world, telework is going to double its numbers next year because it has proved an increase in productivity.

This productivity is not in all the sectors; education, energy, and utilities need to adapt their process to this method to show better productivity. CIOs are also confident in increasing the IT budget next year to help employees to have better telework tools and even return to create IT projects for each company. 

What you should know about Telework

2020 showed a better understatement of telework, but it also has brought into the spotlight some big issues. First, it’s that working from home needs more legal protection, Germany is working on a law project about telework and other countries are following this path. Another great point to check is within the companies, for example, Microsoft and Twitter are checking their policies about working from home for their employees; other companies are struggling with digitalization, and some don’t allow telework because of their processes.

More than 98% of employees have stated that they would like to keep working from home, but we can find another big problem with genres. Men and women have stated that even when they enjoy working from home, they have different problems; for men, it’s all about organization and time, but for women, it’s balancing the house chores, kids, marriage, and work. So Telework needs preparation and induction to be a success, but 2021 is going to be the year to make the corrections to become working from home in a great job method for both parts: companies and employees. Keep in touch with us through our social media. Don’t miss any posts!

Telework could double next year.

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