


How to Create an “About Us” or “About Me” Page

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An about us page is one of those parts that every user can find on a website or blog. But do we really understand why websites need this kind of page? Today, here in 786 Magazine, we are going to explain what is an about us page and how to create one. Keep reading to find out more!

What is an “About Us” page?

Many businesses think that an about us page should focus on what the brand does, but even when it’s part of the truth, this page can offer so much more. It’s an excellent way to emotionally engage customers and build a trust that will continue to grow. 

The about us page will provide to any user or customer, how the business started, and the people behind it. You can also write about the uniqueness of the brand, values, and beliefs, and the reason to chose it.

Within the reasons to have an about us page you can find:

  • Suitable for new visitors: usually, the about us page will be one of the more visited pages of the website because people want to know more about you and your business. Curiosity is a natural human trait, and it will lead them to check the page and find out the story behind the brand and the products or services. 
  • It can present the brand’s uniqueness: the about us page is the best place to show the uniqueness of your brand, and what it makes it different from other businesses. And not just that, the story of how the brand was born can highlight this uniqueness, attracting customers to the business. 
  • It shows the brand image: a brand will always need an image to have an identity, and of course, to attract the audience. The about us page is an excellent place within the website to show this image; it can be with different pictures with the image, from uniforms to product packaging. Be creative in this aspect, and the best way will always be showing the human side of the brand. 

Tips for creating an “About Us” page

Ok, with the points above, the about us page can be created as you want; there is not a specific way to do it. It will depend on your market, your product or service, and the story of the brand itself. But more than that, you can be as original as you want with it! These tips are just a way to have an idea, on how to design and write your page, check them out!

Do you know your selling point?

Every business has a selling point, but no many owners know what is theirs. If you know your unique selling point, well, that is what the about us page should have. For example, many fashion designers are starting to use friendly environment materials, which is their selling point. That is what they will say on their about us page: what kind of material they use and why they use these materials. So, find out your selling point and use it on the about us page.

Present the people behind the business

Customers are naturally attracted to every business’s human aspect, so if you show your team on the about us page, from the founder and CEO to the people on small positions like inters, you can definitely catch the attention of the user visiting your page. 

The story of your brand 

Many famous businesses have exciting stories of how they start their route and their success. Even when yours is a small business, the story can be quite captivating, so don’t be afraid to tell it all on the about us page. You need to be creative with this, a page with more than 1000 words can be boring, so try to use visual tools to present the story, from a short video to a timeline highlighting the important dates for the brand. 

Put the behind the scenes

The page is the perfect place to show the behind the scenes of the day by day work at the business, especially if the business is about manufacturing. Videos, photos, and your workers’ story will always be a good catch for users and possible customers.

Always show your location on the about us page

An important aspect of these pages is to show the business location, even if the business is e-commerce, you as the owner live somewhere. Try to talk about that place on the page, explaining a little bit about the importance of that place for you and the business.

Call to action 

At the end of the about us page, you should add a call to action to engage the audience to do something after reading your amazing story. That way, the customer will find an exciting way to know more about the products. Here normally, many business invite the customer to subscribe to their newsletter. 

Keep in mind the fold

Ok, the written aspect is important, also a way to engage readers to the website. But what about the design aspect, this is also very important. The fold is the upper part of the website that any user can watch before scroll down, so this part must be catchy for every user to push them to scroll down. 

The about us page must be updated 

This is an important aspect, the updates for websites are very delicate, especially the about us page. The story of the brand won’t change, but the people behind it could change, and the products or services, with the values and objectives. So updates are mandatory for every website and blog. Every six months, more and less are perfect for checking out what needs to be improved on the website and the page. 

As you can read, an about us page is like the presentation card for every business, website, and blog. So you must try to have the best one, but keep it human and real. Check out more articles about businesses, and the digital world with 786 Magazine, don’t forget to follow us on social media!

Tips to make an interesting “About us” page.

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