


PechaKucha: a Strategy to Innovate in Your Work

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Portada Mmz Mayo 2024

Undertaking a new project and having to present it to an audience requires the application of effective methods, especially if time is limited and you want to develop the topics in a practical and efficient way. The best strategy to innovate in your work and make the best use of content and time available is: PechaKucha.

PechaKucha: a very useful method for efficient presentations

PechaKucha is a simple and informal format in which 20 slides or presentations are prepared which must be displayed for 20 seconds each.

This idea arose in Tokyo during February 2003, as a result of the brilliant idea of ​​two Japanese architects who had the ingenious initiative to spread worldwide, a way of exposing subjects in an interesting way that you should know and try.

It became evident thanks to Mark Dytham and Astrid Klein, two young architects who wanted to solve a very common dilemma in the protocols, for launching and projecting work and content: how to bring together a large number of young entrepreneurs in an experimental space, where everyone could present a project or research successfully.

A very practical and useful solution resolved the great dilemma that very few had dedicated themselves to solving. They implemented a unique form of presentation, so that the majority of those present could successfully complete their networking project.

Each presentation should consist of 20 slides and each speaker should exhibit in exactly 20 seconds per slide.

The dynamics were widely favorable, moreover with this technique it is impossible to fall into boredom, since each presentation had a specific duration of 6 minutes and 40 seconds.

It was not just about limiting time, because that had already been proposed by other people without favorable results. The essence of this formal strategy is the 20/20 format, which guarantees the exhibitor and the public a dynamic and systematic presentation of all the important ideas that are really worth sharing with others.

The idea enjoys great popularity and acceptance in more than 80 cities around the world, which have adopted the new format to streamline exhibitions taking central and important themes.

The tendency of this format led to the creation of the PechaKucha Night which is already celebrated in more than 700 cities on the planet.

Where does this term come from, and what is this method for?

PechaKucha comes from the Japanese and corresponds to a onomatopoeia that is generally used to refer to the sound of a casual chatter.

This term is not complicated for Latinos, but according to some experts, it sounds like “pet Shah coot shah.”

This method allows the speakers to summarize and expose in a specific time the most important of their projects, those bad speakers who take hours to express an idea will no longer have the opportunity to boring others with long and tedious speeches.

People who have unquestionably worked with this 20/20 format known as PechaKucha usually raise the following:

“Contrary to what it may seem, it gives you more security in your presentation because you don’t have time to wander, or to get nervous, you focus on the format and the rest goes into the background.”

“Preparing a presentation in PechaKucha format you learn more because by putting in value the essential, and discarding the superfluous you end up seeing things differently.”

How does it influence exhibitors?

Organizing an event according to the PechaKucha rule has many advantages, but each of them has a different impact on each type of speaker.

Before going to a presentation with this methodology, you must remember that it is not convenient to improvise a presentation, so it is mandatory to prepare to apply the format.

It is a support mechanism that helps those who are afraid of stages or to speak in public, and it is magnificent for young people who must expose for large audiences, a situation that for many is overwhelming.

Those speakers who like to talk too much until boring to the audience find this system somewhat complicated since it limits their exposure.

Rules of the method limit only and exclusively to the point of the subject, that is to say, that the person exposes only the central theme, this strategy brings out the best in them and prevents them from speaking more than necessary.

On the other hand, there are also other types of speakers with a tendency to forget some of the information, whether they entangle or not convey the central idea properly. PechaKucha allows the exhibitor to focus on the fundamental idea and disseminate it in a timely manner.

There are also speakers who pose a monotonous, mechanical, plane, empty speech. This 20/20 format method forces 20 jumps that give rhythm and emphasis to the presentation, although the rapporteur strives to do the opposite.

But exists another type of speaker who wishes to have the monopoly of the whole session, which can cause problems in some cases because the organizers usually have the time measured.

The format is an effective equalizer that forces all exhibitors not to leave the subject and to communicate more, not to shine.

Speed ​​trend in networking

The pace of life is increasingly dynamic, the speed in the tasks becomes a worldwide requirement: The formats of events aimed at achieving maximum efficiency in a pleasant environment are imposed and expand vertiginously.

PechaKucha 20/20 format is being integrated into the business world, and many companies are cutting the duration of their presentations to 6 minutes and 40 seconds, leaving doubts and discussion questions at the end of the presentation.

The most important of this technique is the concentration in the central message, without interruptions and avoiding the boredom and monotony caused by long presentations.

In short, it is an effective, entertaining, and fun way to transmit and gain knowledge. Do you dare to use the PechaKucha format in your business presentation?

f you are already determined to use this method, explain to the audience what it is, if they do not know it, they will surely thank you for showing them something different and innovative!

working group
With this way you can present your ideas easier than ever!


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