


Twelve Years Ago the #Hashtags Were Born, and Today We Celebrate It!

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One of the most popular social networks is Twitter and next to it the symbol that has become a great trend, the hashtag, which today celebrates 12 years of its creation!

Although today the hashtag is in the top of fame, we must tell you that this was not accepted at first! Read on and find out with us how it was born.

Twelve years!

Chris Messina was its creator. His idea was to use a method that could group discussions on the same subject in one place. Using the # will send you to a hyperlink where you could find any information with the word used.

It took time for the hashtag to become so used among people, it was even rejected and disapproved by Twitter; it seemed unnecessary to them, but as time went by, they saw the great potential and use it.

Its fame began exactly on August 23, 2007, when Chris published a tweet that said:

 how do you feel about using # (pound) for groups. As in #barcamp [msg]?”


Around 2007, Messina and his friends began to make use of this idea. It was in 2009 that Twitter, together with its developers, decided to implement this function to the large social network, which finally ended up being a prominent feature of the brand.

Not only Twitter, but Instagram is also a platform that makes great use of hashtags. It can even be considered as one of the main social networks after Twitter “addicted” to this tool; then, we have Google +, Facebook, and Flickr.


  • More than 125 million hashtags a day are published all over the world. This is moving social networks from selfies and videos to information and discussions on important topics.
  • One of the most frequent uses of hashtags are the publications on the occasion of votes for awards such as the Oscars, Grammys, and other events. Internet takes hold of the use of hashtags as a great strategy for the choice of artists, films, songs, and more.

If we told you about the number of uses the world gives to hashtags, our article would be infinite… haha #JustKidding… see? 


Happy 12th anniversary, hashtags! #786MarketingLovesYou

What’s your favorite hashtag? We couldn’t pick one; we love them all!

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