


10 Tips to Create a Great “About Us” Section on Your E-Commerce Page

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Portada Mmz Mayo 2024

If you want to convert the “about us” section into a unique, original space and set a trend, you cannot fail to review the following lines, because you will find the most effective way to impact your potential customers and captivate them instantly.

In this section, you must give enough information for customers to be interested and choose you among the multiple options of the web.

Then pay close attention and learn how to create your about us page and turn it into your cover letter with the best results! Let’s get to know 10 tips to achieve it.

It is recommended to have in this section the general information that answers basic questions of great interest to the readers.

  • Who are you, and what do you do?
  • Who is part of your company?
  • What do you offer your customers?
  • What makes you different from other competitors?
  • Why should potential customers trust you?
  • What solutions can you offer them?

These are questions that readers will surely ask about you and your company; therefore, you should incorporate the answers and add others that occur to you.

Keep in mind that this page is important for both you and your clients, and they are surely interested in knowing more about you or your company. This information will allow them to understand a little more why they should trust you instead of other companies or products competitive.

1. Tell a story

Who does not like a story well told? There are stories that catch and involve the reader in an adventure, causing them to lose track of time.

Start telling an attractive and novel story that catches the attention of the reader or potential client, for this put yourself in the place of customers and their interests, tastes, and preferences, in this way you will be able to motivate them.

By further involving the reader in the subject and getting their attention, he or she will want to know more about you and the product you are offering. Put your personal touch!

The tale must be expressed in your personal style and must be your own or the company’s. If it is good, you will make your about us section attractive. For example, you can make the story based on these questions:


  • Why the name of your company or project?
  • What was the inspiration of the logo or colors?
  • Anecdotes of the beginnings of the company.
  • How did you meet your partners?
  • Things about curious company managers, where they live, hobbies, etc.

2. Relate to your potential customers

This aspect is of great importance because you should always think about your clients and the person who reads. Explore their motivations, interests, concerns, and the problems they must solve.

It is essential that you know the type of audience well; this is necessary to be able to solve your problems and meet your needs. By solving customer problems, it will give them peace of mind and will also meet the expectations they have placed on you and your product.

Handle the same language and style as them; that is, speak to them in a way they understand, use the same code.

Thanks to this, they will feel in tune with you because your message will be clear, so we recommend that you search the pages where they write your questions and comments.

3. Show them your strengths

Talk about the advantages and benefits you can provide to your customers and show that you are an excellent choice among a variety of options offered by the web market. Transmit what makes you different from the rest and why they should trust your business and choose you. It is important that the message has value.

4. Visualize yourself

Show your human sensitivity at all times; this will allow you to connect better with clients. Try to express what you feel in your own words by sending a clear message where your human side is perceived, leaving aside your commercial and successful side.

It is important to make clear your personal qualities in a simple, direct, and close language.

5. Be honest

Honesty is an essential value to create your page about us because it must be transparent, sincere, respectful, and complete to generate empathy and make a difference. It is inappropriate to convey a false or misleading proposal.

Dishonesty means that the business loses credibility, so when it generates false expectations or ideas outside of reality, a negative image is projected to its potential customers. And what would be the result? They disappear and stop being interested in your product.

6. Talk about your team

Express with pride the professionalism and capacity of your team; it is not only about you, but also about a team that is an important part of the company, supports you and is committed to your mission.

For this purpose, you must include details about the accompanying equipment. Leave behind individualistic thinking! Tell the reader who works with you and why each one is important, as well as the role they play within the company.

7. Use multimedia elements

If you consider that your about us page is saturated with texts that overwhelm the visitor, the best strategy is to incorporate multimedia content, such as videos, photos, magazine articles, audios of interviews you have attended, etc.

This option is very attractive to all types of audiences, so add them to your section, it is also a way to “soften” the reading and make it pleasant for the client.

8. Add phrases that push the action

To obtain positive results from potential clients, that is, to achieve their conviction, we must introduce phrases that motivate them to take another step.

These calls to action can be, for example:

  • Read more.
  • Buy here.
  • Register now.
  • Continue in networks, etc.

9. Check the wording

You are what you write! Since the public knows you through text, then your spelling and grammar reflect part of you.

You must be very careful with the writing of the content about us, especially if you want to give an image of reliability to your customers, get their evaluation and convey security, professionalism and why not? Education.

If you have questions about a word or phrase, consult an expert in the field before posting to avoid spelling errors and inconsistencies. Avoid looking unserious and inexperienced and write according to the rules!

10. Get updates

Be aware of the changes and edit the page from time to time, this leads the visitors to enjoy something new, and the information is kept updated. Add content that you consider appropriate for this section.

Believe it or not, this is an additive that builds trust in customers because you convey the idea that you are interested in informing about changes in the business.

We propose some ideas: advances in the development of a product, the expansion of your company to other markets or sectors, incorporation of new technologies, etc.

Now, to create your new about us, put your imagination and creativity to work! Take the ideas to the web and make them fabulous! It’s time for action!

tips about eCommerce
Use all your creativity and make your readers fall in love immediately!


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