


World Social Networks Day: Let’s Celebrate Our Day!

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Portada Mmz Mayo 2024

Every June 30 we celebrate the World Social Networks Day, created by Mashable to enlighten how the social media networks are changing the world and society. Right now is impossible to deny the impact of social media on global communications. We are connected around the world through the small screen of our devices, from smartphones to the new TVs that allow us to be 24/7 online. 

However, even when it looks interesting, it can be dangerous to neglect our real life; better to find a balance between both sides. With the new generations, you can note that many of the so-called millennials and the Z-generation have started to establish online friendships, or continuing ones already established that distance is pulling apart. 

Social networks can provide exactly that: being closer even when there are many kilometers separating us, besides to provide tons of information and getting to know the different cultures around the world. Because they can give us many benefits, celebrating them every June is something that has been gaining more and more recognition, with several events, meetups, and conventions around the globe.

What are the important social media networks?


The main networks are of course Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We can say that the majority of the population with an internet connection, have an account on these. With their success, other platforms started to make their online way; sites like Pinterest, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Blogger, Snapchat, Goodreads, and YouTube are just a few of the media that people are using on their devices. 

Impact of social media networks

The society has changed to embrace this new lifestyle; it is practically impossible not to find a person online. You can buy groceries or go shopping, request different services, pay your bills, study online, get reservations, ask for a drive, have meetings and everything that you can find about it. Politics and governments are basing their campaigns and ways to inform the population about their activities and what are offering. 

The same can be attributed to the business world. The way of working is changing to embrace a digital approach. Meetings are being held in digital conference rooms, the workload is carried in the cloud, WhatsApp or Telegram are being used for workgroups, email is like oxygen for a good working process. LinkedIn is the network to find your next dream job, your profiles on the media should demonstrate your professional side and it’s also a good way to be in touch with your coworkers.

How to celebrate Social Media Networks Day

There are many ways to celebrate this date; but, of course, it must be a fun way to feel connected to the digital world and how well you enjoy the different profiles that you have. So planning several activities for that day can be fun and entertainment, check some of them below:

  1. Endless posting: what best way to celebrate this day than posting on the networks. Post a selfie on Instagram, tweet what are you doing that day, go live on Facebook, watch that video on YouTube and share it on your favorite network. Only be creative!
  2. Make connections: social networks allow you to have many friends around the world and to know their cultures and traditions but also will give you the opportunity to reconnect with the old friends from school or neighborhood if you moved out. The options are endless. 
  3. Plan something offline: if you have many friends in the online world, what is better to celebrate this day with a meeting in the real world? Maybe it can be awkward at the beginning but remember that all of you know many things about you, so go to a restaurant, plan a picnic or create an event that can be repeated year after year. 

June 30 can be a great day to understand how social networks have changed the world and the society, so the next time that you use one of your accounts keep in mind how the globe is facing incredible changes thanks to them. Now, tell us, how are you going to celebrate this date?

day of social networks
We have a hard job, so we also have a special day!

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