


Top 3 Artist that Are Breaking the Internet with Their Art

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The internet has allowed globalization to find its way with unparalleled speed. We are able to know the history, ideologies, dreams, and ideas of each person who connects in social networks, videos, music or radio programs online.


With this rupture of the borders of identities, creators and people from all over the world have become famous and known thanks to the type of content that have been developed throughout their years on platforms.


This new virtual scenario is the future of entertainment and these artists are the pioneers for their content strategies and their charisma. But the most interesting part is that these individuals who started publishing multimedia archives did so at first as a means of giving their voice, being heard or in some cases as a personal diary of their lives without the purpose of selling your brand.


However, over the years, the characteristics of many of these artists and the content they publish have caused that day after day, new followers and fans of their content share, comment and join their profiles, Facebook pages or YouTube channels. These artists obtain success in social networks, video platforms or internet streaming such as Twitch.


It is necessary not only to have charisma and exciting subjects but also add a marketing strategy, which is complicated, especially if its intention is not to sell. But, for those who want their art to be recognized as a valuable product, marketing is fundamental and digital strategies are a vital tool.


Digital marketing for artists is a relatively new and little-explored area, but that does not mean that it is not fruitful. Apart from the fact that it seems more work than what is already invested in a job, digital marketing for artists can catapult the recognition of the work of an artist among its potential buyers.


For this reason, today we present 3 artists who have broken the barrier of languages, religion, and nationalities implementing a marketing strategy.

Top 3 artist that are breaking the internet

  1. YOUTUBE: Dude Perfect

Business Insider states that YouTube’s impact in our culture can’t be ignored: “the platform’s top stars become the world’s premier influencers, coveted by media outlets and advertisers for their ability to reach tens of millions of followers on a daily basis.”


Over the years, the creators on this platform become more valuable; thus consolidating millionaire businesses and alliances with entertainment chains. And in the case of this account has managed to position as one of the most watched channels on the platform of entertainment.


Dude Perfect is formed by the twins Coby and Cory Cotton, Garrett Hilbert, Cody Jones and Tyler Toney. The success of their fame is due to the type of content they have been creating for some years, which consists mainly of videos that show various tricks.


  1. INSTAGRAM: Naomi Watanabe
    Actress, fashion designer, and Japanese comedian. With 8 million followers on Instagram, the 30-year-old is Japan’s most popular star on social media. Naomi Watanabe “…is also one of its most fearless, expertly using her platform as a comedian and fashion designer to challenge long-held stereotypes about Japanese women,” according to Time. She has managed to make a difference with her personality, style, and inclusive discourse, establishing herself as a role-model for instagramers.


  1. YOUTUBE: Rubén Doblas Gundersen, aka The RubiusOMG
    He is a 27-year-old Spanish youtuber. He is one of the stars on the platform and its success is due to the fact that his content, mostly video games reviews, has managed to hook up with its charisma and its unique and original personality that both Spanish and non-Spanish audiences fall in love. With more than 34 million followers, this character has achieved not only success on the website, but has created books, comics, an animated series on television, and finally an autobiographical documentary of his life.

3 artists who have managed to break the popularity schemes by their content, style, and spark is what many amateurs must seek to attract new audience to their personal brand.


The digital marketing strategy for artists is mainly based on knowing what and how to present your potential consumers. Many assume that, by creating an impressive portfolio, the audience will move alone and want to acquire the works. The truth is that a portfolio, however attractive, remains static and unattractive in a world in continuous movement. The trends and tastes are moving like the tides in the ocean.

The internet is an infinite channel of communication, and there are a plethora of professionals looking to position themselves in the minds of the audience. And these three artists are the clear example of what it means to have a particular but uniformed identity, where their name is reflected in the networks and that this also matches their artistic ideal and its content. All this is possible with a study and a strategy that moves consumers to your content, as explained by Joe Pulizzi – Founder of the Content Marketing Institute:


“While so many brands get a story idea and decide to publish everywhere, the strategy that works the best is true focus. Communicate your message through (for the most part) one content type (audio, video, textual, imagery), one main platform (website, YouTube, iTunes), and deliver consistently over a long period of time. This is how great brands and loyal audiences are built. We actually don’t have to publish everywhere.”

know more about your favorite artist on internet
In recent years, internet staring is one of the platforms through which artists give us their art.


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