


DC Comics vs. Marvel: the History Behind Two of the Most Important Universes of Fantasy (and Reality)

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Mercadeo Magazine Julio 2024

Marvel and DC Comics have been around since 1934. Since then, they’ve been giving us great fictional stories, and in the modern world pretty much everybody loves superheroes movies; and that’s exactly what we’ll be talking about this time. How can these two companies make us fall in love with their characters and their motion pictures?

Age of superheroes

Nowadays, superhero movies are a very common conversation topic. A decade ago only a few groups was actually paying attention to them on the big screen, now listen to people discussing about their favorite character is virtually part of our daily life; and there’s no wonder, the commotion that DC and Marvel cinematic universes have caused is such that the rivalry between these two great franchises has become more obvious than ever, dividing fans according to their tastes. The question is, as far as to the world of the big screen is concerned, who wins, Marvel or DC Comics? Let’s find out.

Movies outside their cinematic universe

Before the Marvel and DC Comics cinematic universes arrived, there were already popular superhero movies. This time, we’re going to mention some of the most beloved by the fans. Marvel had films like X-Men and the Spider-Man trilogy from Sam Raimi, while DC among his main courses had V for Vendetta and the trilogy of the Dark Knight, directed by Christopher Nolan.

You could say that back then DC movies were better. The movie valuations were great. The expectations they raised was tremendous, especially the Dark Knight trilogy: the ones that showed that superhero movies were not just for children. It had a great plot, as well as memorable performances, such as Heath Ledger as the Joker, who won an academy award for his role as the villain.

Cinematic universe

Although both companies’ films were about superheroes, the approach that is given to them is usually very different. While Marvel films tend to focus on being suitable for all audiences, many DC movies have a more adult atmosphere.

MCU (Marvel cinematographic universe)

Marvel cinematic universe is widely accepted by audiences and critics, from its beginnings in 2008 with the first Iron Man movie, to the culmination of the so-called Infinity saga with Endgame. The Marvel fanbase has grown in an incredible way, and the love that the fans have developed for their favorite superheroes of this saga is just incredible.

Undoubtedly the MCU project was tremendously ambitious, build a universe where more than 23 films with different plots could connect with each other and co-exist in the same world. It is not an easy task, but Marvel Studios has managed to do it in a masterful way, revolutionizing these movies forever.

DCEU (DC extended universe)

The DC extended universe, unlike Marvel, has had many ups and downs. Since its inception with the film Man of Steel in 2013 has had harsh criticism, and films that were supposed to be amazing like Batman V Superman and Justice League did not live up to expectations, dividing fans between those who loved the crossover and those who hated it. Luckily, movies like Wonder Woman arrived, where the beautiful Gal Gadot would become the first woman to star a superhero movie in the modern age, a film loved by both fans and critics. The Aquaman story has also had a good reception.

Although both franchises have their strong point, it is quite clear that the MCU has had much more acceptance from the audience and the critics, it is enough to see the impressive records that their movies have broken at the box office to realize the superiority they have over the DCEU. Nevertheless, in its last deliveries, DC comics has been taking a good course with its projects. Hopefully, in the future, they will surprise us with great stories.

At the end of the day, we love them both, this competition that both companies have benefited us, the fans, since we love all superhero movies.

Movies of Marvel
The big screen has been hoarded by these two big production houses, do you like them?


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