


How to Design a Social Media Campaign for 2021

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Mercadeo Magazine Julio 2024

Social media is important for every business. They work with campaigns that could change from time to time or depending on the platform. However, those campaigns work through strategies to increase the reach and take advantage of every marketing tool. So every social media campaign must be carefully planned and with the best data and content. 

2020 has been a tough year, especially for the business sector, but social media is stronger than ever. With just major changes on every social media campaign, brands have been able to keep their place within the market, even when they had to face so many challenges. One important point is that the pandemic has pushed forward digitalization. It’s showing the human side of every brand around the world. So, keep reading to find out more about what is a social media campaign, and how to create one for 2021!

Read: Why Use Social Media in Business?

What is a social media campaign?

A social media campaign is one of the major elements of any marketing strategy. With a good campaign, any brand can increase its reputation, sales and boost the image. These campaigns are divided into activities according to every social media platform, with specific goals that can be achieved over a while. Any move can be tracked and measured. The team can design one for a particular platform or present one that connects multiple social media platforms.

Social media is now an important part of our routines. In 2018 around 2.65 billion users were using any social media platform around the world. Next year the number is expected to grow up to 3.1 billion users after all-new generations know all about them. The oldest ones had to learn how to use them to keep in touch with family and friends during the mandatory quarantine. 

Social media ads’ revenue will show annual growth of 8.7%, reaching $102 billion at the end of the year. For example, Instagram will present a net of $33.71 billion ad revenue this year, making it the most used social media platform for businesses. This value will only increase in the years to come not just for Instagram, but for all the platforms. 

What a social media campaign should include in 2021

The following points are important to present a great social media campaign in 2021. Remember, we are facing tough times, with major changes in our routines, so any campaign must be focused on how to get to people, showing them that they’re not alone even when you are trying to sell and promote a product or service. But even with that in mind, these points are the base for any social media campaign.

1.  Goals for the social media marketing campaign

Setting goals is like the first step while designing a marketing campaign. These goals are still important for social media campaigns to keep track of customer behavior and target audience. Each brand has different plans that will depend on company size, the industry area, competitors, and customer engagement. With wise use of social media platforms, your brand marketing will increase in the market. So, start to define your goals, to design strategies around them that will help you to reach those. 

2. Work with a specific content theme

The content theme is all about defining your image on social media. When you are checking your timeline, you can note which brand is this post from with a single look. That is the main objective of content themes. They will define your brand value with the audience, making it a must while designing the campaign. With it, you can assure that the content is related to your brand, that they are unique and creative, creating consistency, and that you are the owner of it. This content must be attractive for the audience, creating engagement with them, because people love to read good content.

3. Analyze the competition

The competition can present interesting ideas and resources that you can also use for your brand. Competition analysis is always a big part of any industry. After all, you are playing in the same field. For marketing strategies taking a look into what the competition is doing can bring interesting ideas. Whether you are planning on doing the same, or present a campaign completely opposite from your competitors, making an analysis on them can help you a lot. There are many digital tools to help you check out what the competition is showing on their social media. 

4. Social media metrics

Metrics play a huge part in any marketing campaign, but digital tools allow a simple understanding of metrics. Metrics are not that easy to follow or study. With practice, they can offer all the important information to keep track of and measure the campaign. The metrics can offer you the reach of each post and the number of unique visitors, that way you can work on what needs to be improved. 

Another big part of metrics is the number of clicks on each post. They will define if visitors are reading all the content and which one is more attractive to them. Still, overall more clicks result in more benefits for the brand. With a good analysis of your metrics, they can show your social engagement through hashtags. They can help people browse content that is interesting for them. Use the best hashtags that fit the brand and help with a better position within the social media platforms.

5. Know the audience 

This point is like the center of any social media campaign. It’s not just about the content around the brand but also focuses on the audience. Suppose the content doesn’t appeal to them. In that case, it will never increase their reach on social media, but creating content with interesting and creative posts, using all the digital tools and formats, can generate better engagement. And here is where the above point plays a major role. Metrics can give you an inside of what the audience wants, so use tools like Google analytics and design a campaign around those results. 

6. Time is the key

Time slots are important while planning any social media campaign. There are hours where people pay more attention to social media, so finding those perfect hours must be one of the goals in designing the strategy. The other part about time is that the team must follow that schedule to have the same results as all the campaign posts. The correct time can increase your audience and reach a better position for the brand. 

With these points and creative content, your social media campaign for 2021 can be the next step in the brand’s success. Don’t forget to keep the image of the brand and think about what the audience wants. Keep in touch with the magazine through our social media!

What you should know about a social media campaign.

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