


Marketing ideas that you can use this Christmas

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Septiembre 2024 MMZ

This year has been a tough one, many marketing ideas have become remote actions to interact with the audience through their devices. Christmas won’t be the exception, with the starting of the holiday season, businesses and companies are looking for ideas to design marketing campaigns that don’t involve physical presence. Check out some interesting ideas!

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Marketing ideas to use this Christmas

Many ideas have already been used, or some new ones that can be what your brand needs. But Christmas is a special season, full of warm, family, and fun activities, and that is what the marketing campaigns should focus on. Keep reading some fun ideas to promote your brand:

Launch an advice series around the holidays

Social media platforms are the perfect pair for this. You can give different tips and advice that are linked to your area of expertise, and make them into a series. This is a great way to sell your brand but it won’t look like that, because the selling is not straightforward. For example, if you are an interior designer you can give some tips to decorate different spaces. Be creative!

Start using Christmas Hashtags

Christmas is practically around the corner, so your posts on social media need some related hashtags about it, even on those platforms, the mood must be festive. So with every post, use different hashtags related to Christmas and the holidays. 

Christmas graphics 

In every marketing campaign that is being designed for your brand, Christmas graphics are a must. Of course, the designer should present a clean, and adequate brand’s image, proposal for you to approve. But the most important here is to show through the marketing your festive mood!

Seek people’s heart

Emotional marketing is one of the strongest methods these days. For many Christmas is an emotive season, that should be enjoyed with friends and family. So to tug on people’s hearts, design campaigns that can perfectly focus on the emotional aspect of the holidays. Take for example Coca-Cola, they are experts on emotional marketing especially during Christmas, their ads over any channel are very emotive. 

Use videos for a better campaign 

Any marketing campaign likes to use videos, but take that to the next level with apps like TikTok or with the new Instagram’s feature ‘Reels’. With these short videos, you can show your festive mood around the brand, and what is more important you can show the human face of it, presenting the people that work with you and thanking them for a great year. 

Remote marketing ideas for this Christmas

However, the ones stated above are not the only great and fun ideas, that you can use through your social media platforms for different remote interactions with your audience, check them out!

Advent Calendar

From December 1st you can start the countdown for Christmas with an Advent Calendar, but also think about contests and interesting activities for each day while we are waiting for Christmas Day.

A Christmas Lucky Wheel

Who doesn’t want to try their luck and play a lucky wheel? Design one with different prices around your products or services, you can play this every week until Christmas, and even use it for New Year. Your audience can be captivated by this and will expect it every week!

A Photo Contest 

People like to share their photos online, what better than use that in a contest around Christmas, think about different topics like most original Christmas decoration, ugly Christmas sweater, best family activity, among others. All that can show the collaboration between your brand and the audience, presenting a more close image.

Christmas discounts or coupons

People are suckers for discounts and coupons, but this is a classic strategy during the holidays to boost sales. But a good twist is to link these purchases into the above activities, if the clients purchase different products or services this will grant them access to the lucky wheel or other contest.

Use stickers, filters, and other tools on social media

Right now social media are offering so many tools that make a better experience for users. So why not design stickers, filters, and even sounds for reels or videos and TikTok, that can promote your brand through those small tools. Promote those tools through posts and let your audience do the work of sharing them. 

Any of these marketing ideas can be a good boost to your brand, just plan objectives and goals, and work with your team on them for better results. Don’t miss any posts on our social media!

Marketing ideas for the holidays.

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