


Creative logos to inspire and enhance your image

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Septiembre 2024 MMZ

A logo will become the first thing that people notice about your brand, so there are some points that every brand should know about them. Today, we are going to show the importance of having creative logos, how they can boost the brand, make it atemporal, and integrate into society and history forever. Keep reading to find out more!

Read: Sources of inspiration to stimulate creativity

Characteristics of creative logos

A creative logo is a must for every brand, but many times than not, owners and teams struggle to find the perfect logo. Don’t be afraid to try the craziest ideas. After all, the important part here is to try to fit every detail that can scream your brand, then you and your team need to find an image or symbol that can summarize all that. 

Of course, there are many options, colors, images, typography, and other aspects that can be so confused. Here is where a designer’s work can be very helpful, don’t doubt to seek them if you see that by yourself any of the ideas don’t look very satisfying. But if you’re willing to try and design a logo, keep these characteristics in mind. 

These logos have somethings in common: 

  • Widely known: even around the world, many can recognize them.
  • Atemporal: It doesn’t matter how old the brand is or how society has changed; they are practically the same, just with minor changes to embrace new times.
  • Being part of pop culture: this means that you can find them in products like shirts, caps, hoodies, and even as art pieces. 
  • Simplicity: can easily represent what the brand does or offers. Every logo can portrait its brand easily, fulfilling the above characteristics.  

Creative logos are definitely what can make the difference among the brands in the competitive world. 

Creative logos to inspire you

Here is a list of the most interesting and widely known creative logos that can inspire you to create your own logo.


Who doesn’t know the doll and toy brand, its logo was created in 1959, suffering small modifications the following years to adapt to modern times. But this logo represents the brand whose audience has always been girls, so they have tried to give a feminine image but keep it simple with fun typography.


This is the king of atemporal logos. Everybody knows this one, even your grandparents. From the typography to the color, Coca-Cola has created an empire distributing its logo around the world. A fun fact even when this brand has its name translated to languages like mandarin or Japanese, the logo keeps its identity with the same typography and color, just using those traditional characters. The only modification that this logo has suffered was almost 70 years ago when the color changed from black to 3 different shades of red.  


This is a really interesting logo. After all, Starbucks is a brand dedicated mainly to coffee. So why is a mermaid the main element of its logo? According to experts, it’s all about “attraction” people have always been drawn to mythical creatures like mermaids, and coffee is another of our top attractions, so mixing both is not a bad idea. Plus, Starbucks uses green as its color, which can generate great results and feelings being the color of nature and calmness.


Amazon’s logo is a great example of giving a message through it. They simply want to tell you what they do: selling everything from A to Z. This message can be delivered with a smile, which is the arrow’s work under the name of the brand. Besides that, they use very simple typography and principal colors like black and yellow.


The logo for the famous potato chips brand is another great version of creative logos, here they not just use a captivating typography but they teach us how to use an isotype, creating one of the most known characters in marketing Julius Pringles and his iconic mustache. And let’s be honest the first thing that you think when you see this logo is a can of delicious pringles. 

These five brands show how colors, typography, and simplicity can be combined to create atemporal and loved logos. But it goes beyond that they use interesting elements to present creative logos. Keep in touch with the Magazine to know more about marketing and brands. 

Using creative logos for inspiration
Use creative logos for inspiration.

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