


What every website should have in 2021

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Mercadeo Magazine Julio 2024

A website is definitely something that every business must have at some point in the project, but are you aware of all the details that a website should have to reach more audiences? This digital place will be like the business’ portfolio where you can show all that it offers and so much more. So when you’re ready to set up your business website, this article can be of great help. Keep reading to find out more!

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This is what your website should have

Having a website is an important investment for your business. Still, in 2021 there are many things, details, and features that they offer for any type of entrepreneurship. Although they together make an amazing site, many of them can be hard to fully understand. For that reason, many businesses look up a team of experts to create and design their pages. However, today we are going to show the main aspects and features that a site must-have

Contact Information

Possible clients and loyal customers check out your website to get in touch with you for different reasons, even when they are very familiar with the business. That is the reason why the contact information should be displayed in strategic places. Still, at the same time, this information should be everywhere. Being clever where to put it is exactly the job of the programmers. CTAs are also a perfect addition to this, a simple line such as “Email us!” can do wonderful things. 


Many people think that a blog is unnecessary when it turns out that it is one of the best websites. A blog can offer quality content to enhance the objective of the business. Besides that, this space within the site can help with Search Engine Optimization (SEO), showing the search’s business results about the content you use for it. The blog is also a great way to connect with the audience on social media platforms. This can also be a way to show your expertise in the area.


A testimonial page is one of the most visited pages on any website because possible clients always want to know your integrity and credibility. The only way to portrait this is by having the testimonial of old and current clients. For this, you must ask for their permission to use their real names. That way, you ensure future customers that your job is 100% real and not a fraud. Another great part of this page is the use of case studies where you are showing clients and the whole process you had with them, from the moment they contact you to the final result. 

SEO Strategy

This is more about the text that you use on the website than any page. Users can find you with your name, but those who don’t know anything about your business can see you using keywords associated with the area. These keywords should be in titles and meta descriptions, also. Try to use an easy URL structure where the keywords are also displayed. The business name should be everywhere, but you can find it easier on Google when paired with keywords. Another important point with an SEO strategy is to add the geographic location. Local customers can find with a quick search adding the city or town.

Live Chat 

This feature has become of the most requested by clients the last year, with the pandemic many customers rely on to buy or solicit service through websites. Still, many don’t want to waste time searching every page of it, so having a live chat that can answer all their questions and doubts quickly is what makes them return. Even some clients make a purchase thanks to the good service that the live chat offers. This feature has increased a lot thanks to artificial intelligence. 

Media Portfolio 

Listen, an image can speak louder than any word, even when the text is incredible and can catch your attention. We assure you that pictures and videos about your work can do more than any textbook. For that reason, get used to taking photos and videos of your work and team to present it on the website and social media. Having a space to show all these media can help you a lot, plus it can give you a human side leading your team and what they do, trust us this is one the best moves you can do.

Subscription Offer

This aspect is highly important because you can use email marketing to offer new things and keep in touch with customers. At the same time, build your email list. When a person gets subscribed, can get a chance to stay up-to-date to the blog post and any new content. Also, the subscription is a great way to share a freebie, which can be a PDF file with some of the best articles or a guide about your area. The possibilities are limitless. 

About Us Page

Letting your clients know you are vital for a relationship based on trust, especially if you show the story of how your business started and the steps that have to be taken to get where you are. Using pictures and videos will help a lot to tell that story. After all, people love a good one. A great addition is to know about the team, the business, and the human aspect. Think about how to have the best story on the website.

Search Functionality and Social Media 

Having a search bar can help many users when visiting your website. With it, they can find exactly what they are looking for with just a few words. This can easily lead to a purchase and a loyal client. Social media is also a must on every website. Users like t check out how you manage those accounts and what kind of content they have, so put icons linked to every platform and let users know that they can follow you there. 

Develop your website with us!

After all these great aspects that a website should have in 2021, we want to let you know that the 786 Group has an excellent Web Design and Web Development service with its branch 786 Marketing Miami. These are our services:

  • Responsive Web Design: we create sites with a responsive design for iOS and Android.
  • Interactive Web Design: our designs are ready to present many interactions with users.
  • User Experience: it’s our priority with our designs, thinking about the user.
  • Shopping Cart Capability: all the designs are ready to be upgraded to have a shopping cart. 
  • Branding: we not only offer an excellent design but also build the image of the brand.
  • Print: with the brand image created through the website, we also provide print material with 786 Promotionals.

As you can see 786 Marketing Miami, we are ready to fulfill your dream website. Check out more about following this link: Web Design! Keep in touch with the Magazine to find out more about new trends and designs about websites!

What your website should have in 2021.

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