


How to Choose the Name of Your Company or Brand

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One of the most difficult parts starting a business is deciding a name for the brand; this will give identity and secure a position for the business. But putting a name to the brand can present many challenges, you can feel a lack of creativity, with doubts about the name. Today, at 786 Magazine, we tell you how you can name your brand with an original and innovative name; keep reading to find out more!

How to name your brand

Starting the process of finding the correct name for your brand can result in so many options, reducing this list to a few ideas will prove to be a hard task. The main point here is to know what the identity of your brand is? And what do you want to communicate with it? 

But even knowing this, the final choice can still be very far away. Another big problem is the language barrier, nowadays brands aspire to be global, but even when technology allows us to know about those brands, the barrier language is still there, so try with a name that will be easy to pronounce and understand for everybody. Simplicity will always be the best for naming the brand, but most of the time, the simplest names are the hardest to create. 

Another good point is to use a different letter, for example, to play with sounds, in many languages, a letter can sound like a word, or a word can have a different meaning in some countries. A great idea can be the invention of a word, to avoid culture problems; big brands like Sony established the identity with a created word. 

If you want to find inspiration, check out the trademark and patent registry, that way, you can also know what words are no to use. And if you want more inspiration, start a marketing strategy and plan around your business’s product or service. 

What you need to know about naming your brand

Let’s check out what you should do and don’t, while naming your brand, follow our recommendations.


Try to direct the audience to a clear message of what your brand is dedicated to. Confusion can arise at mixing objectives with the name of the brand; this can result in indifference from your audience. The best advice here could be to have a list of keywords around it, and of course, its main objectives can produce the name in a blink of an eye.


The name of the brand must be able to sell its identity, resulting in your audience’s interest in the products or services. With just a name, you can present industry, focus, and goals that the business has. The brand can have the essence and experience with a good name, with its benefits presented suggestively. 


One main point is to make it easy to remember. Our brain sucks at remembering names. This is because they are stored in short-term memory. With so many things happening at once, our minds cannot hold the name, and we completely forget it. So the best way to keep the name in the audience’s memory is to associate it with another thing; this could be a feeling or sensation. This way, the brain is working with two types of memories simultaneously, and there is a high chance to remember the brand name. 


A brand name must be short to be easy to remember. Loading the brain with so much information at once can limit its capacity to retain information. A short brand name can increase the audience’s ability to remember it, engaging them in the brand identity. Take, for example, Uber, Apple, Google, among many others. 


Simplicity is the key to remember a brand name; missing words derived from common words will confuse the audience. However, if you can change a common word drastically, practically creating a new one is fine, be careful with this. 


Any brand must know that have a modern environment to connect with modern times is mandatory. The audience is every day more plaint to follow modern brands or ones that are capable of adaptation. A brand name must be able to resist time, but it can be difficult with the changes that SEO and signals face every day. 


Here we are taking the brain as the main point. When your brand name is unique, it will surely stay in the target audience’s mind, but it must not be that extravagant. Catching the attention of possible clients with a unique name can be what your brand needs, try with a new word, or combine words reflecting the identity, try to maintain the rules above. 


This is like basic advice, but it tends to be one that people forget while putting their brand a name. But it must not be attractive by itself. It must attract the target audience, taking into consideration the preferences, the likings, and even how the target audience speaks. That way, you can find a suitable name that connects your brand with the audience.


The name of a brand should last even after the founder’s death, but it could be better if the name is not directly linked to them. Many of the old companies in the world use the name of their founders or the family name, take, for example, Disney. However, it’s better to use a name far from the family in these times, so pick something that reflects the points above, but it is no linked directly to your family. 

Put some sense

Be careful when selecting a created name, do in-depth research because maybe the name is an invented one, but in another country can have a different meaning, and sometimes can be an obscene or insulting one. So before making a final decision, observe all the points. 

Naming a brand is one of the main steps creating a business, but it’s one of the most difficult and risky steps. We hope that with these recommendations you can find the perfect name for it. Check out more articles about brands and business with the Magazine, and don’t forget to follow us on our social media!

How to name your brand: what you should know.

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