


Do You Know the Latest News from LinkedIn?

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Portada Mmz Mayo 2024

Over time, LinkedIn has become a necessary platform to work on company strategies. For several years, it has been executing different improvements in the publication and design of its platform; advances that speak of the progress of this social network and that are important to create a good content strategy that allows us to make our users known and increase our visibility and traffic on the web.

It is the professional social network that has shown that it does not want to be left behind and continue to set trends in the business universe. It has gone from being a tool for Human Resources to a means to do business, promote networking, and give greater visibility to the brand.

So far, the number of users amounts to more than 600 million; for this reason, LinkedIn is further developing its platform to improve interaction. Are you interested in knowing how?

The company not only deals with the search for suitable candidates for a good position within the consortium, but the new features aim to improve the user experience and interaction with the brand. A potential tool for companies! Be aware of the innovations of this social network, very similar to other very popular options.

New LinkedIn features

Company pages have become an important factor within the platform. To achieve a better functioning of this platform, the well-known social network has decided to incorporate many new functions.

But what do they consist of? They serve to improve the marketing strategy on LinkedIn. To continue improving and innovating the professional network par excellence, it is evolving, and for it is adding innovations within its company pages, giving greater functionality to them and greater advantages.

A mandatory challenge in times where it quickly ceases to be a trend if you are not constantly adapting to the new times. Improvements in the system of mentions, new types of notifications and an option to measure the operation of our page.

Profile meter completed

This meter allows us to see the optimization levels of our company’s profile; it is also useful to verify if we are taking advantage of all the elements offered by the different sections or should we improve the information we are offering.

Employee notifications

Among the improvements at the notification level, there are many interesting changes; this new alternative is ideal for sending notifications to the company’s employees at the time the updates are made on the pages.

The notifications allow to give the information about the newly added content; in this way, the new workers can be aware of the new content that the company is incorporating to the page quickly and simply.

Special mentions

It allows us to highlight the achievements of a person; that is, through the special mentions, we can highlight the triumphs of an individual and value more their performance or work.

Reactions to publications

The traditional LinkedIn buttons are “Like,” “Comment,” and “Share,” but five reactions have been added to the “Like” option, giving the user the possibility to interact with the company. The premiered reactions are as follows:

  • A thumbs-up, which indicates something you like.
  • An applause, to congratulate some achievement or recognition.
  • The heart, which indicates that you love something too much.
  • The bulb, which indicates ingenuity and creativity.
  • And a pensive face, expressing doubt, curiosity or expectation.

Live video sharing

Live videos promote the approach between the user and the brand; this tool is widely used in other social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

Presentations in this format trap a huge number of users since it is known that the message transmitted through audiovisual media is better captured and internalized by the public.

The reason for this is because we want to humanize the brand by showing the people that make up the business staff, an agile and original way to meet people directly linked to each project of the company.

The best thing about live video is that the user can ask questions and instant comments on the subject and also can make sales. Very convenient!

Photo tags

Now, images can be labeled with people who appear in them. This function covers both the web and mobile versions. A substantial improvement that will allow the user to know the people who make up the team.

Like Instagram, LinkedIn has a limit of 30 labels per image; however, you can also add stickers and additional text to increase the positioning on the web.

Publication of your own posts on your profile

With this new option, you can upload your own articles. In the section “Write an article,” start writing interesting topics on the theme of your choice. By clicking on this line, you will see a very easy-to-use editor to add a compelling title. Below is a button with a screen and a sign (+). Press it and from the menu, you can include images, slides, videos, fragments, links. The links in the images directed to your post can attract more traffic to the blog.

Share documents

The possibility of sharing documents in .pdf, .doc, .ppt, and .pptx formats was exclusive to the business plan, but now any user can do it. You can share a resume, attach documents, and work collectively. You can also upload a file from Dropbox.

With these new features on the platform, you can get more benefits for your business. If you have used any of them, tell us about its effectiveness.


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