


How Do Social Networks Influence Generation Z?

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Portada Mmz Mayo 2024

The Gen Z or centennials is a denomination used to refer to all those people who were born between 1995 and 2015; practically, most of them opened their eyes to the world at a time when everyone is constantly connected. A generation that has transformed written language from text to images to convey a message, although they are also experts in creating multimedia content. They are focused on the future, they are constantly looking for personal success and they are always aiming beyond a more realistic way.

What characteristics does this generation have?

  • They learn on their own: this generation researches and learns with internet tutorials; uses internet browsers to obtain information using electronic devices; performs all its work online.


  • They are mature: the members of the Gen Z were born in a time of greater complexity and demand, a globalized context, difficult and changing, with an evident increase in social diversity.

  Many of the social roles have undergone modifications, but most learned to get ahead in these conditions, they are mature, creative and self-sufficient young people.  

  • They are quite aware and humanitarian: they aim to impact the world with jobs where they can develop their capabilities and achieve structural changes based on the majority. Many do volunteer work and care about the planet.


  • They are very familiar with technology: their main technological tools are computers, mobile devices, and tablets; they learn how to handle them very quickly. They feel very comfortable in this environment, and are connected at any time of the day for entertainment or for information on various topics.

  Technology is essential for this generation as nine out of 10 centennials depend on it for their daily activities.

  • They focus on their work: those born in the Gen Z do not exceed 24 years of age, many are entrepreneurs and tend to solve problems for themselves and focus on it.


  • The kings of zapping: it is difficult for you to get their attention for a long time. Usually, they immerse themselves in some application or a landing page, and even pay attention to several screens at the same time!


  • They are frequent users of social networks: spend many hours in activities of various kinds, but part of that time is invested in reviewing visits, chatting and updating the status of social networks. The social networks most used by this post-millennial generation are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc…


  • They love to buy advanced technology products: they are awaiting the latest innovations in the market, and usually make their purchases online.

Patterns and consumption habits of Generation Z influenced by social networks

According to data provided by The Interactive Advertising Bureau, centennials prefer in their consumption habits products such as clothing and shoes by 55%, followed by entertainment activities with 52% and technology with 50%.

These consumers are quite cautious and planned with their income; they are aware of the quality/price ratio, which makes them even more demanding people than their predecessors. It is important to know your consumption habits to take advantage of these potential future customers.

They are connected to the digital environment, understand it and look for all the necessary information about goods, services, fashion products, and establish comparisons between the various brands. In this way, they exert some influence on parents and family members.

When they spend a lot of time in front of the mobile screen, they stop using traditional means of advertising. Of course, to get their attention, you must offer a better experience and quality. But what do they consume most? Entertaining content! When they are on social networks:

  • They share music and memes.
  • Games.

They do not feel 100% attracted by current news, in relation to the expenditure of money the products that most arouse your interest when investing your money are:

  • Brand clothes.
  • Shoes.
  • Books.
  • Music.
  • Technology.
  • Applications.
  • Toys.

These young people do not like to be uninformed of the latest market in everything concerning their themes and tastes, so they are fervent consumers of content on Google. If you are interested in capturing this audience, you must achieve a good SEO positioning.

You have only 8 seconds to arouse their interest, so you must be direct and objective in the message. Knowing the behavior of this generation of the future will allow you to generate successful campaigns for them.

Their consumption habits are totally different from people of past generations. You must always step forward if you want to conquer this youth audience and get ahead of the trends! It is a more human generation and worried about what happens in the world.

To relate and feel faithful for a brand, it must demonstrate the same values. Each company must show a concern for the planet and society to add them to its list of consumers.


N/A Consumption patterns that social networks generate in Generation Z


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