


What is the Importance of an Organized Workspace at Home?

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Working from home is a great way to change the traditional method of the past years. However, just like in a regular office, your workplace must be organized and tidy. Especially if you have a family; with kids and pets can be little difficult to work in an organized space, but that will be the difference of being productive.

For many of us, working from home is a huge advantage, but it can become a problem if we don’t create the perfect location. At the same time, you can create that space according to your need and the type of job you have. Many experts agree that creativity is increased by working from home with the correct workplace.

An organized workplace

The perfect workplace will depend totally on you, the things you like and what you feel comfortable. But, in general lines, the workplace at home should have these major points, check them out!

  • Door: a necessity if you have kids, younger siblings, and even pets. When the door is closed, they will know that you must not be disturbed.
  • Desk: its size will depend on your job, but it is a must. It will provide a place for the computer, phone, papers, and gadgets. You can even have several desks, each for different functions and activities, that will fall into your responsibilities.
  • Internet connection: without a good net connection, doing the tasks can be highly difficult. The best speed and setup can give you a wide range around the house. Of course, there is nothing worse than tons of wires around the office, so try to organize them.
  • Backup plan: because nothing is perfect, you should have a plan B for your connection. This can be a smartphone with mobile data for a hotspot, or to find a coffee shop that you like, and spend the working hours there until the problem is solved.
  • Desk chair: this is one of the most important things in your workplace because it is where you will spend the majority of the working hours. A bad or uncomfortable desk chair will give you health problems, from back and neck sore to spine deviation. The best are the ones with back, neck and lumbar support, right armrest, and the one that will feel you good. Try it before buying.
  • Fresh air: every office needs fresh air, but at home, this is more important that way you won’t feel trapped inside your house, and you can work better with natural daylight. Find a proper location with a big window and preferably a nice view.
  • Ergonomics tools: ergonomic plays a huge role in the way employers work, with the correct tools you won’t suffer from small health problems, especially in the articulations. Keyboard, monitors, mouse, chair, headsets and even phone need to be adequate to you, to prevent small lesions.

Good posture

It doesn’t matter if your workplace is properly organized, if you have a bad posture in front of the desk, you will suffer from physical pain that many workers experienced nowadays. The first step is to use ergonomic tools; the second is to learn hot to have a good posture, check it out!

  • The chair height must be one that allows you to put your feet flat on the ground, while the knees must be at the same level that your hips.
  • Sit up straight with the hips touching the far end of the chair.
  • The back of the chair must be preferably at a 100 to 110-degree angle.
  • Keyword and mouse must be close to you, the best is an arm length, while the monitor should be at eye level to prevent neck pain.
  • To prevent eyesore or tiredness, the monitor must be at arms length, besides to take resting time throughout the day.
  • Try to relax shoulders and back, with all the activities and responsibilities, the natural reaction from our bodies is to raise them to your ears, but this will only increase the pain at the end of the day.
  • If you want, add a pillow as lumbar support to your chair that way the natural position for the spine will be easier to get.

With these recommendations, you can change your workplace to one where the ideas and creativity will fluid naturally. Besides that, with a good place, productivity can increase. Remember that you must feel at ease and absolutely comfortable with it: this is your space, even when it is designed for work, you can be happy here.

importance of an organized workspace
Your workspace can talk about the quality of your work.
