


What is Content Marketing and Why is it so Important to Us?

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Content is the key piece in marketing, and within marketing strategies it’s one of the necessary elements to enhance brands. Whether to make them visible, get subscribers, or attract new customers who enjoy the offered service, the content provided to the networks must respond to the needs and interests of the brand, as well as the target audience.


Whatever the objective of strategy for the brand might be, content marketing should be developed, in order to generate useful and interesting content on the blog or social media profiles, and through them generate a positive reaction in your target market. Good quality content will be the generator of your unique brand personality on the internet. That image is what your brand will carry through time, and what will get you new customers, buyers, and followers.


Joe Pulizzi, author of the book Epic Content Marketing and founder of the Content Marketing Institute, defined content marketing as: “A marketing technique for the creation and distribution of relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire and attract the attention of a well-defined target audience, with the goal of encouraging them to be future customers.”


The essence of this type of strategy is focused on generating fresh, authentic, timely content that is intimately related to the values of the organization. This conveys its concern to clarify the doubts of users, and always considering them a priority and giving them what they ask for online.


786.Marketing is an agency that through the years has dedicated itself to the production of quality content that fits the needs of our customers. We make sure that its suitable for the tastes and personalities of the targeted audiences of each of our clients, while always keeping a positive relationship with them and the general public growing on their feedback.  So, If we saw this action within an equation, it would be like this:

Attractive content (articles, images, infographics, videos, texts, among others) + the network strategy / by all the members involved in the creation and management of networks = a successful marketing campaign, and a very good interaction with the public.


For this reason, the 786.Marketing focuses on the creation and distribution of valuable, relevant and coherent content to teach, entertain, and project a clearly defined audience. We also use several tactics to inform and achieve greater level of fidelity among our readers, creating bonds of sympathy and loyalty.

Good content marketing is…

To develop good content it is essential to be informed of the movements and news related to digital marketing, as well as the updates and interactions that competitors perform on social networks. So, it is necessary to maintain constant vigilance and connection with innovations on the Internet, and with the globalized growth of society and culture.


As a quick reminder to all marketers: good content works, no matter what kind of platforms you use. Our main objective must be to always create attractive content that resonates with our target audience, or we will have failed.


That’s why you have to take into account four basic steps to make your content strategy effective: recruitment, subscription, sale, and loyalty. These are the elements of direct marketing that will greatly influence your product obtain the desired benefit.


All these four steps (Recruitment, subscription, sale, and loyalty) together with the development and conceptualization of the brand with a more humanized look will be the main keys to success.

content marketing can change your life
The application of marketing must be discreet, but its results have to be huge!

Facebook: 786 Marketing

Instagram: @786.Marketing

Twitter: @786_Marketing

1234 S Dixie Highway #1124

Coral Gables, FL 33146

