


Instagram, Twitter, Telegram… Latest news you should know

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Social media is pretty much something integrated into our lives. Still, many don’t pay close attention to their news or upgrades, which is a huge mistake. So today, we will show you the information and actualization that are starting to roll up into Instagram, Twitter, and Telegram. Keep reading! We should know what changes are coming into these spaces that we use so much to share what is happening in our lives or have a good laugh, thanks to a meme.

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News about Instagram, Twitter, and Telegram

These three social media platforms have proved their reign over the last year, even tied popularity with Facebook and WhatsApp. For that reason, they are going out with everything to show new features and surprises for their users. Plus, they want to share the latest news of what’s going on their platforms or what their users are talking about there. Check out all these.


The bird app has shown its popularity over the years. The catch of this social media platform is the freedom to share what you think with only 280 characters. They have made improvements. For example, you can tell a story by doing a ‘thread’ with several tweets, which are really interesting to read. Or now they are jumping into the ‘Spaces’ feature. But let’s see what’s happening on Twitter.

Freedom to choose who can reply to your tweets

A couple of months ago, Twitter allowed you to choose who can reply to your tweets, but this was available only for new tweets, those made at the moment of the actualization. However, now you can change the configuration for old tweets if you want to avoid unnecessary discussions, for things said a long time ago. This is pretty easy to use. Just look up the tweet, and with the three dots in the superior corner, just change who can reply to it.

Fleets say goodbye

After only trying them for 8 months, Twitter decided to drop out of their ‘Fleets,’ a feature following the trend started by Instagram with its stories. Right now, many social media platforms are trying their own version of this feature, but for Twitter, it was a failure. After all, the users on this platform enjoy more just sharing an instant thought. According to the company, they will focus more on new aspects after this.

Twitter spaces are getting better

Spaces are one of the new features that they add during this year. This new service allows more than 600 followers to open an audio chat room with 10 participants. So far, it is pretty similar to the clubhouse. Obviously, Twitter knows that it will need improvements. Now it’s presenting a new addition that allows one host, two co-hosts, and 10 participants, so the discussion can be amazing with a total of 13 participants. It’s expected that in the next months the bluebird company will present more improvements to the service.

Insights on the most popular topic

Twitter also presented a new insight on the most popular topic on the platform: K-pop, which is not a surprise considering that this is the preferred social media platform for the fandom movement. Twitter has become the social media where the K-pop fandoms have found their place to discuss any theme, news, music, and more. Actually, Twitter presented excellent information on this. During the period from July 1, 2020, and June 31, 2021, 7.5 billion Tweets about K-pop were made, a huge number considering the moment that the world is facing. 

But that was also a topic that the K-pop community discussed. After all, this movement is part of the entertainment business in Korea, which is still highly affected due to the COVID-19 pandemic, just like the rest of the world. The second most discussed topic in the bird platform was gaming, but it only reached 2 billion total tweets, which cannot get close to the number of tweets on the K-pop topic. Actually, this is just another proof of the power that this movement has gained in recent years. In 2010, there were only 5.1 million total tweets, and now K-pop is close to breaching the barrier of 10 billion total tweets. Let’s see what is going to happen!


The messaging app is getting more users thanks to some wrong movements from WhatsApp, many migrated to this app, but some habits are hard to break. Many users have both apps. After all, each one presents good features just as bad ones. But, in recent months, Telegram is getting ready to surprise its users. Check it out:

  • Group video calls: Telegram wasn’t new to the video calls, but only 30 users were allowed in one single call. That number grew to 1000 participants within the same video call, perfect for companies with home office workers. Or why not have a party with friends! Telegram has stated that they want to make that number bigger, even reaching the limitless feature.
  • Video messages 2.0: Telegram last year offered a new feature called video message. Any user can send a short video following the same line of voice messages, but this time with video. Now this service is presenting improvements from the quality of the video to allow skip and forward or backward the playback. 
  • Other features: the videos can be reproduced at the desired speed from 0.5x to 2x. The editing of photos has been upgraded to allow zoom and change the thickness of the brush. For Android, Telegram now allows animations that were only on iOS. Apple users will enable the zoom levels of the iPhone camera. 

What’s new on Instagram?

Instagram has quickly become a titan in the social media platforms field. Many preferred this to other ones such as Facebook or Twitter. But with the years they have been listening to their users and showing improvements over their new features, check out what is new on this platform.

Stories can be translated.

Many users love the Stories feature, but sadly, many of the users they follow speak other languages. Many of them are celebrities, so Instagram decided to help us with that. Now they are offering a translation of the text that appears in any story. So be careful of what you write there. Of course, the translation is not that accurate but is a new feature, so this can be improved over the next months.

Instagram is working on a version for younger under 13 years 

Facebook, the mother company of Instagram, stated that it is working on a new version of the social media platform only for young people under 13 years. Remember that legally and according to their terms and services, only people over 14 years old can create an account on the platform. However, many get over those rules, and you can find kids’ accounts there, including babies. 

This has sparked the old debate that it is really good to allow your kids to have social media accounts? But Mark Zuckerberg has said that it’s better to allow kids and young people to have a place on the internet than prohibited them. Let’s be honest, a prohibition can make social media more tempting for them. So, Facebook and Instagram are testing how good this version can be. Of course, there are tons of detractors, but each parent has the right to decide what is better for their kids. 

The reels now last 60 seconds

When Instagram saw their place threatened by a platform named TikTok, they decided to follow their steps. They created the reels: short videos presented with popular music to give more to the video. But at the beginning, each platform only allowed 15s videos, now Instagram has increased that duration to 60s, which TikTok already implemented. Actually, the Chinese platform now allows videos with a period of 3 minutes. Experts suspected that Instagram will follow this very soon. 

All these can show how much social media is growing with time. Not only does Facebook reigns in this field, but there are many platforms all dedicated to giving a better experience to their users. Instagram, Twitter, and Telegram are just a few of them. Just keep in touch with the Magazine to learn more about them!

Facts about Instagram, Twitter and Telegram.

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