


The Best Smartphones That Will Arrive in 2020

2020 opens the way for the launching of several high-end models of cell phones. Different brands will compete in the market with their new smartphones, some with larger screens, greater capacity, and all with new features. However, the price of these powerful devices may not be as accessible as those of previous ones. Unsurprisingly, the […]

The Best Technological Innovations of Tokyo 2020

Publicidad creativa inspiradora

A new decade is approaching, and with it, the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games arrive, a great sporting event in the capital of the Japanese country, a host that promises a technological deployment that will leave millions of users dazzled. It has been shown that major events, such as the World Cup, bring technological advances. To […]

Do You Know the Latest News from LinkedIn?

Over time, LinkedIn has become a necessary platform to work on company strategies. For several years, it has been executing different improvements in the publication and design of its platform; advances that speak of the progress of this social network and that are important to create a good content strategy that allows us to make […]

Artificial Intelligence: the Technology that Is Saving the World!

Artificial intelligence (AI) advances in giant steps, beyond expectations. Apparently, this advanced technology is seen developing a fundamental role in the daily life of human beings and their environment. Scientists are still in uncertainty about the potential of this tool for social good. Researchers say that if you take advantage in the right way, you […]

Samsung Galaxy Note 10+: the Perfect Phone? Find out!

Every day we see how the largest technology companies are creating new devices increasingly updated and innovative. This time, Samsung was not left behind. The new Samsung Galaxy 10+ is… a great and perfect device? Today we tell you all about this new smartphone, read on! Beautiful design In the Aura Glow model, the metallic […]

Twelve Years Ago the #Hashtags Were Born, and Today We Celebrate It!

One of the most popular social networks is Twitter and next to it the symbol that has become a great trend, the hashtag, which today celebrates 12 years of its creation! Although today the hashtag is in the top of fame, we must tell you that this was not accepted at first! Read on and […]

What is Marketing Automation and Why It Is so Important?

Marketing automation is a program designed to carry out all the tasks and activities concerning digital marketing strategies in a fast and efficient way. These are known within marketing as “all-in-one” platforms since they serve to automate and systematize in one place all the processes concerning the digital marketing of a company. In general, among […]

What Is Marketing Automation and Why it Is so Important?

Marketing automation is a program designed to carry out all the tasks and activities concerning digital marketing strategies in a fast and efficient way. These are known within marketing as “all-in-one” platforms since they serve to automate and systematize in one place all the processes concerning the digital marketing of a company. In general, among […]

Meet Buddy, the Robot who Changed the World in 2018

If you think that the life of the family from the animated series The Jetsons was far from being reality, you will be overwhelmed with this new option that the French technology company Blue Frog Robotics brings you to relieve you of your domestic duties. Yes! Our beloved cleaning lady from the Jetsons, Rosie the […]