


Academia 786: a platform to learn quickly and easily

Academia 786 courses

We live in the digital age, and it’s more evident than ever that continuous learning is the key to success. Whether you’re looking to sharpen your marketing skills, boost your physical fitness, enhance your productivity, or simply focus on self-improvement, Academia 786 has you covered. This online platform offers a wide array of courses that […]

¿Qué es la bolsa de valores y cómo funciona?

Bolsa de valores

La bolsa de valores es un lugar complejo y emocionante, donde muchos empresarios hacen y pierden fortunas, el sitio en el cual las pequeñas empresas pueden hacerse gigantes de un día para el otro y también el escenario de algunos de los mayores colapsos empresariales. En este artículo, nos proponemos ayudarte a entender de la […]

Conceptos básicos de economía que todo emprendedor debe conocer


La economía es un factor importante para cualquier empresario o emprendimiento. En un mercado tan competitivo como el actual, la empresa que sepa entender mejor el entorno económico en el que se mueve sabrá aprovechar más eficazmente sus recursos y competir en mejores condiciones con sus rivales para poder tener éxito. Por eso, en este […]

¿Qué es una recesión económica? Lo que siempre quisiste saber

Recesión económica

Si eres de las personas que se preocupan cuando escuchas en las noticias que podría venir una recesión económica, pero no sabes muy bien de qué se trata o qué la causa, este artículo es para ti. Una recesión económica puede tener un enorme impacto en las industrias y afectar a nuestras finanzas personales. Por […]

¿Qué es el desarrollo sostenible y cómo puedes participar?

Desarrollo sostenible

Quizás alguna vez has escuchado el término “desarrollo sostenible”, o también algo relacionado con unos objetivos de desarrollo sostenible para 2030, pero no sabes muy bien de qué se trata. Si es así, llegaste al artículo ideal para ti, ya que aquí te diremos en qué consiste todo esto y te diremos también cómo los […]

3 Cursos de ventas gratis y en línea: ¡Aprovecha!

Para ser un buen profesional y mantenerte competitivo, es necesario actualizar tus conocimientos y estar al día con las últimas tendencias de tu área. Esto aplica para la mayoría de las profesiones y oficios, así que si eres un vendedor, esto también es importante para ti. Por eso, en este artículo, compartiremos contigo tres cursos […]

Atrae más clientes con tu propia app: ¡Nosotros te ayudamos!

App para atraer clientes

Cuando pensamos en aplicaciones móviles, solemos enfocarnos en su utilidad práctica, en lo que esa aplicación puede hacer por nosotros como usuarios. Por eso, la mayoría de los teléfonos inteligentes vienen con algunas integradas de uso común, como una calculadora, una agenda o un reloj despertador. Pero, si vemos una app no como usuarios, sino […]

What you should know about big data if you are an entrepreneur?

There is a concept highly important known as “Big Data” in the entrepreneurship world, but what is exactly big data? A big number in a report? Or maybe some facts about the area? Well, no to any of those questions! This term goes beyond that, and it’s an incredible tool to know more about the […]

Amazon vs. Walmart: A growing rivalry

Walmart and Amazon are two of the biggest companies, brands, and stores in the US, and why not in the world. Many people know about them and buy from them, but they are interested in a commerce and marketing perspective. Even when they started from different business areas, both have faced ups and downs, creating […]

Scams and frauds that every entrepreneur should avoid

The amazing world of entrepreneurship is not the utopia that many think. Contrary to popular belief being an entrepreneur is more about taking risks, facing challenges, and worrying about everything, especially scams. Of course, this has its own benefits, but the cost can be high; jumping into this world is for brave people. Today we […]

Here is all 786 Group has to offer

Today we want to give you a small peek at what our mother company offers and how we work as a team. 786 Group is a company dedicated to many areas, with products and services around different teams and branches, but we are all connected one way or another. With this article, we hope that […]

Technological tools that every entrepreneur must have

A digital world is a new norm, especially for entrepreneurs, but sometimes technology can be a little overwhelming. However, there are some technological tools that every entrepreneur must know and understand how to use. For that reason, today, we are going to show you several of those technologies in the entrepreneurship world because it’s never […]

Tips for finding a good business partner

In the world of entrepreneurs, a business partner is essential not just because they can help in the economic aspect but also the burden of the company can be handled between them. However, choosing the right partner is a challenging path, and there are many reasons and details to consider before making the final decision. […]

Henry Ford: what we can learn from his success story

Henry Ford is considered one of the most successful entrepreneurs of American History. There is so much that we can learn from his story, not only about the company that nowadays is still one of the major players in the automobile field but also it’s about his personality traits as a man that can teach […]

Sources of inspiration for business and entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is a hard road. It will never be an easy dream, but everything will present the best result with the correct motivation. However, as happened with every aspect of your life, getting into a business yourself or with a partner will need inspiration and creativity. Today, we will discuss sources of inspiration for business […]

This is all you need to know about smart money

Smart money is a term widely known in the gambling world, but nowadays, it is highly used in finances to talk about money controlled by prominent investors, including central banks. But not just that, smart money goes beyond the numbers. It can offer connections and valuable advice to have a successful business. Keep reading to […]

What No One Tells You About Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is a word that is pretty common nowadays, but talking about it will never be the same as putting it in practice. Today we show some dark truths about entrepreneurship not to discourage you, but to give a real perspective. Keep reading! Read: Telemedicine: A Business that Will Grow After the Pandemic Why is […]

Steps to Turn an Idea into a Business

We are always thinking about great ideas, but not all have the courage or the resources to turn those ideas into a solid startup or business. Today, we will discuss how to turn an idea into a business and work with it to have a successful project and a future. Keep reading! Read: Most Used […]

Become an expert with these Bitcoin movies

Bitcoin is a new payment system taking the world by surprise. At the same time, there are so many misunderstandings and concerns because everything about money is a tricky subject. But today we give you a list of several Bitcoin movies or documentaries to better comprehend this “new money” that in a few years can […]

Why Is Ergonomics Important for Product Design?

Nowadays, ergonomics is an important part of any workplace. This is a study that has been taking place more and more in job environments. Many companies understand that this science can make the difference in a job well done. But do you know what ergonomics implied? And why is it so important? Keep reading to […]