
Do You Know the Latest News from LinkedIn?

Over time, LinkedIn has become a necessary platform to work on company strategies. For several years, it has been executing different improvements in the publication and design of its platform; advances that speak of the progress of this social network and that are important to create a good content strategy that allows us to make […]

Advantages of Work Uniforms for a Company

Achieving an excellent corporate visual image is not a simple task; it requires a series of elements, but we must take the necessary steps to achieve it. Starting with the design, preparation, and implementation of work uniforms in our company would be a good beginning if we want our business to have an identity that […]

How Do Social Networks Influence Generation Z?

The Gen Z or centennials is a denomination used to refer to all those people who were born between 1995 and 2015; practically, most of them opened their eyes to the world at a time when everyone is constantly connected. A generation that has transformed written language from text to images to convey a message, […]

The Apps Market Grows in Latin America

The apps market encompasses all applications from where we can see recommendations to start downloading Android tools and games. They are used to filter the wide variety of utilities offered by Android. In recent years, their use has increased vertiginously in Latin American countries. In fact, the mobile phone industry represents between 4% and 5% […]

Importance of Credibility in Social Networks

Trust and credibility are two key and determining points through which personal relationships can be measured; however, they are also applicable to connections or links between people, companies, and brands. The rise of social networks, at a time when internet communications continue to prevail in the form of a trend and preference, have imminently re-emphasized […]

How Do You Calculate the Cost of Your Work per Hour?

Surely you have wondered how much your service can cost if you dedicate yourself to freelance work; if so, this article will interest you. How do you calculate the cost of your work per hour? The pace of work and its different forms are in the process of transformation; entrepreneurship is no exception, this is […]

PechaKucha: a Strategy to Innovate in Your Work

Undertaking a new project and having to present it to an audience requires the application of effective methods, especially if time is limited and you want to develop the topics in a practical and efficient way. The best strategy to innovate in your work and make the best use of content and time available is: […]

Artificial Intelligence: the Technology that Is Saving the World!

Artificial intelligence (AI) advances in giant steps, beyond expectations. Apparently, this advanced technology is seen developing a fundamental role in the daily life of human beings and their environment. Scientists are still in uncertainty about the potential of this tool for social good. Researchers say that if you take advantage in the right way, you […]

Samsung Galaxy Note 10+: the Perfect Phone? Find out!

Every day we see how the largest technology companies are creating new devices increasingly updated and innovative. This time, Samsung was not left behind. The new Samsung Galaxy 10+ is… a great and perfect device? Today we tell you all about this new smartphone, read on! Beautiful design In the Aura Glow model, the metallic […]

Twelve Years Ago the #Hashtags Were Born, and Today We Celebrate It!

One of the most popular social networks is Twitter and next to it the symbol that has become a great trend, the hashtag, which today celebrates 12 years of its creation! Although today the hashtag is in the top of fame, we must tell you that this was not accepted at first! Read on and […]

How to Measure the ROI in Your Instagram Stories? (Google Analytics Is Perfect!)

Do you already know how to measure the ROI (return on investment) of your Instagram Stories with Google Analytics? Have you managed to detect if this tool helps you achieve the proposed goals according to the marketing plan? Do you think that the time, effort, and money invested in creating the content that you upload […]

Stories of Entrepreneurship that Will Inspire You

Achieving business success is a real challenge, and at the same time, it implies taking risks and a real commitment to accomplish the objective. Many are encouraged to face this professional challenge, but not everyone succeeds. The digital era demands a great effort on the part of the entrepreneurs, and among the inconveniences to overcome […]

What Does Will Happen to Digital Marketing? Find out Where We’re Going Now!

Digital dynamics moves at a precipitous pace. Developers and strategists use all their ingenuity to adapt to technological advances that cover all work areas. The same goes for digital marketing, what was a trend yesterday today occupies a second place giving way to new ideas that set the tone today. What path will digital marketing […]

Do Social Networks Affect User’s Self-Esteem?

Mitos y verdades de la publicidad subliminal

Social networks change the way we interact with other people. They represent a tool that allows us to interact impersonally with others and with which we can obtain information in a permanent and updated way. In other words, it is a means to connect with the lives of others quickly and efficiently. For this, it […]

Do You Know Spy Apps?

There are applications that when you download them, you are risking your personal data; that is, they are not secure since they can request a large number of permissions to access information and send ads to track you. To keep harmful or malicious applications out of the PC or mobile device, you must take precautions. […]

What About Combining Offline and Online Marketing?

Combining online and offline marketing is no longer a novelty because its effectiveness has been confirmed in terms of results in the different corporations that decided to take advantage of the best of both to achieve the proposed objectives. This technique is well known as blender marketing and seeks to unify the two worlds. It […]

10 Tips to Create a Great “About Us” Section on Your E-Commerce Page

If you want to convert the “about us” section into a unique, original space and set a trend, you cannot fail to review the following lines, because you will find the most effective way to impact your potential customers and captivate them instantly. In this section, you must give enough information for customers to be […]

Android Gives Us the “Dark Mode” on WhatsApp and Twitter!

Android has incorporated the tool “dark mode” to the apps WhatsApp and Twitter; motivated to the innovation that has taken a great boom in recent months. Both WhatsApp and Twitter have chosen to include this function in their updates to provide a better service to users. It is necessary to highlight that the night mode […]

VSCO Girls: the New Trend for Your Photos

VSCO is not only an application to edit photos but it is also an artistic and professional practice that increasingly adds more followers to its platform. It’s about capturing the perfect angle, the right light, and taking the time to touch up the final result and get the best photographic product. With the appearance of […]

BTL advertising and its importance for your marketing campaign

Below the line (BTL) is the term used for a type of advertising campaign, which consists of using non-massive communicational forms aimed at a specific segment, making use of resources such as surprise, creativity, novelty, and the sense of opportunity. At the same time, innovative channels are created to convey the desired message. These acronyms […]