


Lo mejor del Tokyo Game Show 2023

Tokyo Game Show 2023

El Tokyo Game Show 2023 se llevó a cabo con éxito entre el 21 y el 24 de septiembre, uno de los principales eventos de videojuegos del mundo y uno de los más esperados del año, en el que algunas de las mayores casas productoras, sobre todo japonesas, dieron a conocer sus nuevos lanzamientos. A […]

Why is Jungle Cruise the movie of the moment?

Jungle Cruise is the summer blockbuster that everybody was expecting. Continuing with the Cruise, Disney was determined to have the best of the best with this movie. Moreover, with all that is going on in the world, after all, we can forget that we are in the middle of a pandemic period. Definitely, these two […]

SpaceX vs. Blue Origin: the space race of the 21st century

Oh, space, an endless territory that has always captivated humans through history. But in the lastest decades, it has been showing us its secrets and started something called the space race among nations and governments. However, in recent years, that race has changed its main characters, and now millionaires are taking hold of the advances […]

Spider-Man 3: Will the three protagonists meet?

Movies are one of our beloved hobbies. One of the most anticipated for this year is Spider-Man 3, because who doesn’t enjoy a good story with tons of quality scenes and pack with a bunch of superheroes? But last year was a terrible time for the filming industry. Many productions had to be delayed because […]

Netflix Premieres and Farewells in November

Netflix is saying goodbye to the spooky season. October is no longer here. But November is saying hello to everybody. With it, the holiday season is starting to appear, including new content in the streaming platform. Today we are showing you what will be new and what will no longer be available on Netflix! Read: […]

News from Facebook: this Is What You Should Know

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms around the world. Still, just a small part of its users know that they are always updating to improve its services, besides showing new and exciting features. For that reason, in 786 Magazine, we show you what Facebook has been up to! This is the […]

Apple Design Awards 2020: These Were the Winners

Last month it took place Apple’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference. However, this year’s conference was virtual, so there were some missing things like the winners of the Apple Design Awards. They were announced a couple of days after, highlighting that they brought “distinctive new ideas to life.” Check out more about the awards, and of […]

Useful Tips to Start Your Own Business

Starting a business can be very stressful, and practically demands all your time and attention. On the other hand, it can also be a great personal and professional experience. Today, we will give you some tips to help you in your entrepreneurial adventure.   Start your own business   Discover your skills. Not everyone has […]

Bad Practices: Unexpected Technological Failures

Technology is advancing at a dizzying rate and thousands of companies are tirelessly researching to make the most of the major new developments. This relentless race has led to magnificent advances, but also to resounding fiascos. Technological giants at the forefront of exceptional launches have also scored fatal creations with irreparable system errors and have […]

This Is How the Community of YouTubers Grew up in 2019

The YouTube digital platform continues to grow and is showing no signs of stopping. A quarterly analysis, recently published by its executive director Susan Wojcicki, reflected the performance and activity of users and found that the percentage of YouTubers with more than a million subscribers increased by 65%. As seen in that study, many digital […]

The Best Smartphones That Will Arrive in 2020

2020 opens the way for the launching of several high-end models of cell phones. Different brands will compete in the market with their new smartphones, some with larger screens, greater capacity, and all with new features. However, the price of these powerful devices may not be as accessible as those of previous ones. Unsurprisingly, the […]

What We Know About the New Google Accounts Service

Google has entered into a series of agreements with financial institutions to start offering checking accounts to users in the United States. In recent decades, many companies have joined this technological age of proficient banking services, and the tech giant is no longer the exception. The story published in The Wall Street Journal explains that […]

How to Prepare a Good Pecha Kucha Presentation?

Making a good presentation is not easy. It takes preparation and some knowledge of the elements intrinsic to this communication method. But using one format may help with the process. Pecha Kucha is an organizing technique that allows you to manage your time and express your ideas more efficiently. Here we explain what exactly is […]

The Best Technological Innovations of Tokyo 2020

Publicidad creativa inspiradora

A new decade is approaching, and with it, the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games arrive, a great sporting event in the capital of the Japanese country, a host that promises a technological deployment that will leave millions of users dazzled. It has been shown that major events, such as the World Cup, bring technological advances. To […]

How to Handle a Business Crisis?

Crises generate changes, some very positive, others negative. Every large corporation has gone through a crisis at some point, and many have managed to come out successfully, but there are cases in which the situation cannot be sorted out that easily. Uncertainty is often one of its consequences. This is because of the difficulty of […]

Do We Really Need a Facebook National Unfriend Day?

Modelo de franquicias en Latinoamérica.

The idea to dedicate a whole day to eliminating contacts from Facebook was first proposed in 2010 by comedian and TV host Jimmy Kimmel, when he announced it on his popular talk show Jimmy Kimmel Live! Although the proposal had a certain level of acceptance at first, it generated some controversy in many parts of […]

The Japanese Routine That Will Improve Your Business

Productive companies organize daily work routines to improve the performance of their employees. The programmed activities must be oriented to motivate the staff to be in tune with the priority objectives of the business. The most common daily routines to increase the productivity level of workers are those related to personal habits: exercising, writing a […]

What You Should Know about Social Media Planning

What is a social media marketing plan or social media plan? The social media marketing plan is a document that establishes the strategies necessary to achieve the company’s marketing objectives. In other words, it includes a well-developed social media marketing plan. It can be said that it is an instrument that directs all our strategies […]

Mobile Marketing: the Future of Digital Marketing

Who doesn’t use a smartphone these days? The use of this tool has been increasing year after year. Many companies have taken advantage of this boom to focus their sales strategies on mobile marketing. The idea is not only to segment the strategies towards the web, but to direct them towards the users of mobile […]